(Global).- How should I improve my blog alexa ranking? My traffic has increased a lot from last time but still I lost my alexa rank and from 4 Lack its now 8 Lack. This is one of the most common myth people have about alexa rank i.e = Alexa rank is totally dependent on your website traffic. Fact is website traffic is also considered as a good point here, but that’s not the only point while considering alexa rank.
From my observations, Alexa rank is dependent on your websites updates and also on your traffic. If you update your website daily and your traffic is increasing or even constant your alexa rank will improve with time. Though to boost your alexa rank you can use few simple tricks, which do not guarantee major boost, but will help you in improving your alexa rank.
Alexa determine the popularity of website by alexa toolbar sparky. So two simple thing which you can do here is install alexa toolbar Sparky in your browser and also let your reader know about this toolbar.
Alexa Widget
I’m not very sure if this helps webmaster or not, but I’m using it on most of my blogs and for some reasons I believe its good and helps. Though people have different opinion about this widget, still I use it here at Shoutmeloud.
Alexa review feature
Few days back Alexa added review feature, in which you can add your review for particular website. You can also rate any website you like. Since you can use your facebook profile to login , you don’t need to signup. This is again a good way to improve your alexa rank and your alexa profile. Need more tips? Check out my video guide for improving Alexa rank: